Fitzgerald Avenue Water Pressure Main Replacement
Following the Christchurch earthquakes, a temporary wastewater pressure main was installed, part of which traversed the Fitzgerald Avenue Bridge as an exposed pipeline.
Intended as a temporary measure, the exposed pipe was subject to environmental degradation (i.e. from sunlight and traffic) and required replacement.
Our scope of works comprised replacement of the exposed section of pipe, tie-in at the northern end to the existing underground pipeline; and at the southern end to a newly constructed manhole. The methodology required installation of a new section of concrete-lined steel pipe through fastening to the side of the bridge. To achieve this, we erected in-river scaffolding to create a platform from which works could be undertaken.
On the bridge, itself, high traffic volumes presented a significant site hazard to work crews. To ensure works were completed safety, we communicated and worked closely with Downer’s STMS personnel. This included the participation of the Seipp team in daily safety briefings.
Despite a delayed start to our involvement on the project, we were able to claw back time and complete all works on programme, safely and to a high standard.